Sunday, January 26, 2025

Haulin' Ass to Lollapalooza!

 Here We Go Again!!

It's been a while since I gave Blogspot a try, but I'll be honest - I hate modern "Social Media".

Like, ALL of it! Even the ones I LIKE (BlueSky and Instagram... and that second one is really just for the overwhelming number of chubby girls whose entire 'Instagram Persona & Presence' consists of bouncing their ridiculously oversized breasts into their cameras while the worst music in the world plays for the sake of some snarky-ass 'meme'. Don't get me wrong. I'm a red-blooded American pervert cartoonist with an almost stereotypical obsession with gigantic (natural) breasts, but seriously! When did this become a 'thing'? And why wasn't I notified on Day One?!) - Even the ones i like have become tedious.

Being the Old Fart I am, I miss the heyday of LiveJournal. I miss blogs and journals in general because I am a journaler. A writer. I enjoy expressing my thoughts in full sentences instead of truncated 300-character (or less) text-soup full of abbreviations, L33t5p3ak, 'modern slang' and sheer illiteracy for the sake of manufactured brevity that's supposed to appeal to those short on both brains and attention spans. That's a self-fulfilling prophecy, "BTW".

Also I miss the days when one could post as many pictures and photos as a rudimentary knowledge of HTML would allow instead of a maximum of four - or worse, ONE - per post! I'm a CARTOONIST, for fuck sakes! So, I have created this page in order to post said thoughts and cartoons, mostly unfiltered, just in order to have a place to do so that isn't DEVIANTART (don't get me started), FURAFFINITY, as I outgrew my 'furry phase' over a decade and a half ago, or out-of-the-way, niche-y spaces like NEWGROUNDS, MASTODON or PILLOWFORT.

So, that being said, here's a smattering of the stuff I'm doing these days. Most of my sequential comics are already being hosted on ComicFury and The Duck Webcomics - both of which I am still enjoying, but I, for some dumb reason, feel weird about posting Nonsequential Arts and One-shot Comics there.

On January 1st, I launched the newest version of my old autobio comic, Shrimp Fried Riot - and took out MOST of the autobio elements. Perhaps this time, the whole damn thing won't come out like some kind of illustrated mid-life crisis turned suicide note.

The protagonists, Mutt & Ozzie are the replacements for 'original' Octavius (me.)

At some point in the future of this blog, I will go back and (re)post all the original Shrimp Fried Riot comics. Also, with the permission of David "ProfEtheric" Hickmon, I started an ongoing comic taking place in a 'SpiffeeBurger' restaurant, which started in his comic, Autumn Bay.
My Spiffee comic begain in the pages of my comic "Never Odd or Even";
This was sort of a "back door pilot" that introduced the characters for the ensuing comic:
Things seems to be going pretty well with it, so far.

I also brought back The Honeybees From Heck after a couple years' hiatus. What better way to reintroduce my favorite Girls with Boys' Names AND cement my notion to add more gratuitous nudity into my comics in this, the New Year than with this page:
I figure - why not? Every other graphic artist on the Internet is making pics of random naked people doing random naked things. Why should I be any different?!

And, of course, there's my superhero themed - or should I say Super VILLAIN themed comic, "I Was A Teenage Super Villain", which I am STILL doing 5 years in.

I am in the middle beginning of Chapter 7. So far, only a few members of the titular team have even been seen in this chapter, as I have introduced two other teams in order to set up future storylines, but they'll be back!

And, indeed the whole point for making this blogspot:
Random pics, pin-ups, jokes, NSFW content and Nerd Raga that I really can't post too many other places without breaking the rules or offending the sensibilities of the community at large.

So, this is who I am and what I do. If you dig it, feel free to stick around.

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